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By Laura Hereema Photography

Friday, 13 December 2013

Getting ready for the big snow in TO

It's been cold in the city. 
Not Thinder Bay -38 cold, but still -18 with the wind chill here. 

There is a snow forecast for 10-15cm overnight tonight. I'm prepared to stay in my cozy apartment with a blanket and my iPad in front of the TV. 

Below are some photos I took on my chilly walk over for physio this afternoon. 

Looking back towards my apartment building from my walk to TGH

Elizabeth St. The white stuff on the street and sidewalk is not's salt in preparation for the snow

1 comment:

  1. I love the look of the bare sidewalk, you should see it here. Tons of the white stuff, I am tired of shovelling already. Becky
